FunnelBud's help portal
For new customers using our latest system.
24/7 live chat support, guides and contact with Flow support team
For long-time customers who have not switched to FunnelBud Flow.
FAQs, guides, instructions and troubleshooting documents
Do you need help? Submit your support request
For the fastest assistance, please include the following in your message.
- Description of the problem/issue.
- What measures you have already tried to solve the problem.
- Add screenshots/video. It can be attached when you submit the form.
What our customers say
The best part is that you get quick and good help along the way, even after implementation, which allows the MA system to grow and really be used as intended.
Therése KarlssonClosers & Hero
80% of HubSpot's features at a fifth of the cost. We also use more features with FunnelBud than we ever would with HubSpot thanks to the consultant.
Fredrik Backlund LightAir
FunnelBud has helped us achieve more with Marketing Automation in two months than we ever achieved with other agencies. All this via a simple monthly license, no hidden costs, no additional hours billed, just consistently great service!