Why so many businesses fail in their email marketing efforts

You probably know it: email marketing, such as newsletters and email loops, is one of the most important ways to increase sales. Even in these days of ads and social media

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Guide: How to get started with Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing has revolutionized the way businesses approach potential customers. Unlike traditional outbound marketing such as advertising, inbound marketing is about organically attracting customers.

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Best practices for B2B lead nurturing: Examples and actionable steps

IntroductionTurning prospects and potential customers into paying customers is a central goal in B2B marketing, and a key component of this process is lead nurturing. By understanding and

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SharpSpring releases personas: the right content for the right person!

Now SharpSpring is releasing personas to help you send the right message to the right person.What is a persona? A persona is a fictional representation of your buyer. It helps you

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The three processes of digital marketing

Digital marketing can, in 9 out of 10 cases, be simplified to three simple processes: inbound marketing, lead nurturing and digital sales campaigns.

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How to get traffic and leads through blogging

When I started blogging for marketing purposes (to drive traffic and leads to my employer) almost 10 years ago, there weren't many other people doing it.

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How to attract customers via the internet by talking about symptoms

How can you best attract customers to your pages? One thing is certain: customers are not looking for your solutions. The vast majority probably don't know about

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What is marketing?

For the most successful marketers, the answer to the question "what is marketing" is radically different from the rest. That answer allows some marketers to get only "OK" results, while

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